The best company in the world. Run beautifully by amazing employees. Everyone wants to work there. The stock market is off the charts. Everyone invested in it.
hey Crystal Comics LLC
do you guys make amazing books
by Uilttl August 17, 2023
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Having a comic sans personality it means that you are dumb and foolish, L
wow Tobi sure is acting like they have a comic sans personality rn-
frfr bro so lame
by awesomecoolcute March 2, 2022
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A tie that it oversized, used largely by clowns and other jokers to get a cheap laugh
Did you see Connors tie?

Yeah bro he’s wearing a comically large tie to prom!
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Exactly what the name is. A fat-ass I'm a tiny truck
911 what is your emergency?

Yeah their is some Fat guy in a comically small truck driving through my lawn!

Ok sir, we have the entire department on route to your location.
by Dr. DaddyChadensky January 31, 2023
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When you meet the perfect guy or girl and they prefer DC over Marvel. Or vice versa.
Timmy loves Batman and meets Betty at the comic book shop. He's ecstatic until he sees that her pull stack is all Marvel. They will try to go on a few dates and make it work, but he will experience "comic woes" when ultimately Betty finds Batman too lame to even be able to stand the posters in Timmy's bedroom.
by Betty B September 11, 2012
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Often used to describe something sop ridiculous or bizarre, it's funny.
"It is useless to pretend as if you have not partaken of the comically large jar of sugar."
by TheWordKing February 22, 2021
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