When you are beyond pissed off and jam your erect penis into the eye of your significant other while making whale noises.
Last night I lost a game of Rainbow Six Siege, so I did the angry narwhal to my little sister.
by MrGhosty December 3, 2021
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The Angry Carpenter - Tie your girlfriend to a workbench and proceed to use sandpaper upon her Vagina, once smooth feel free to have sex with the bloody remains
Poor mrs Jamison, she died from The Angry Carpenter.
she was such a good teacher. Damn sandpaper is rough.
by The Comic November 6, 2012
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And the only reason you're not a dirt poor mandingo is that you stopped using your own defunct mind and let me dance you around like the puppet you are.
Hym "And if I catch either of you praising that cripple again the only virgins you're going to get in heaven are going to be angry incels who are stronger than you as a matter of default."
by Hym Iam August 12, 2023
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Small child named Aaden who is always angry for no fucking reason
Small angry child: fuck you!
Hazel: why are you such a brat?!
Small angry child: because I’m small angry child!
by Theshakenneverland May 14, 2022
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1. An angry Mexican who hydrodips.

2. He is very sarcastic to trolls.

3. He provides great entertainment for people who are not in their feelings.
The Angry Dipper does hydro dipping for a living.
by Goldnhart March 9, 2022
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Same concept as the Angry Dragon, instead of hitting the back of her head, slap her across the face to make her spit semen.
I gave your wife an angry boxer. It was rocky 3 all over again.
by FunkyMonk00 January 17, 2014
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