by gigachad2 May 25, 2022
An admission that one is going to die soon, usually from a terminal illness or dangerous situation.
A reference to the Christian angel St. Peter, who guards the Gates of Heaven and determines whether one goes to Heaven or Hell. St. Peter calling your name would imply that it is your turn to be judged, which means you must be dead. Thus, admitting that he is “calling your name” makes it seem that a nearing death is inevitable.
A reference to the Christian angel St. Peter, who guards the Gates of Heaven and determines whether one goes to Heaven or Hell. St. Peter calling your name would imply that it is your turn to be judged, which means you must be dead. Thus, admitting that he is “calling your name” makes it seem that a nearing death is inevitable.
Thanks for being the greatest mother ever. I would love to tell you in person, but it seems that St. Peter’s calling my name. I wish this could’ve happened differently, but there’s nothing we can do about it now.
Thanks for being the greatest mother ever. I would love to tell you in person, but it seems that St. Peter’s calling my name. I wish this could’ve happened differently, but there’s nothing we can do about it now.
by SouthernScout January 13, 2023
by Razr_V1p3r October 26, 2020
Hi my name is mostafa what is your name you dumbass
by Someone who kinda exists August 16, 2023
A person who is better than everyone at everything. He gets all the lady’s. He is better than Lucia.
by Columbus1230 December 8, 2019
The awesome answer to any serious question, this answer may not provide the correct answer to the question being asked but regardless the act of screaming "That's My Name" is still awesome.
T.j. repeatedly asks Carlos where the Biology book is and Carlos yells in T.J.'s ear "Thats My Name!!"
by sexyboi69 August 20, 2011