After the 20th century war a conclusion has came after thee Vixel’s girlfriend Arryn did everything in her power to expose him. It is celebrated on every September and you must DM Vixel to make him happy.
by DigBick927482738483 September 8, 2022
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- Did you buy this book?
- No, I was aware of it. (To be aware of)
by Beide October 9, 2022
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When you think, "does that person think I am an idiot?", and they do in fact think you are an idiot.
Worker(thinks) : I hope he didn't think I am an idiot during the interview
Boss(thinks): I hope this bish is idiot-aware enough not to reapply SMH
by mcnuggins August 2, 2023
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A buzz word young people mainly Generation Z love to use to make it look like they are changing the world. They will often make a video about some 1st world problem to "raise awareness" and post it on social media. It may involve a "social experiment" to get people's reaction to something. The topic sometimes involves a word with "ism" at the end. It often involves creating a fake scenario, holding up a sign, asking people questions about something to get their reaction or posting a situation that should be kept private with the justification that they are raising awareness. Certain topics tend to become trendy and there will be a wave of videos of others posting the same scenario. Some people end up getting in trouble and say they were just raising awareness as they hold an ice pack on their swollen face.
She walked through Harlem at night in a lingerie raising awareness about cat calling!
by bassman212 September 18, 2023
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Crying on the internet about something you know nothing about but looks sad to you, thinking you will change something, while doing absolutely fucking nothing.
Alex: Oh i see you are wanking. Good job of raising awareness.
John: Oh thanks, bro. I love doing absolutely fucking nothing.
by joemama16829 August 19, 2022
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