An idea for a story (usually a fanfic) that despite its appeal, refuses to be conceived of in a manner that allows it to be written.
I have a Plot Panda that I just can't write - it just lies there looking cute and refusing to breed!
by SaltyStoryteller November 1, 2021
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When a, often times strong, Character in a story dies because of a disease instead of being defeated in battle at full strength.
Have you read the latest Kakashi novel? It says Naruto looks pale and exhausted from something other than work.
Seems like Naruto is going to die because of plot-AIDS.
by splitframe June 2, 2019
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A character being killed in an anticlimactic way because the plot demands it. The polar opposite of plot armor, where a character survives despite all odds because the plot demands it. Also known as dropped a bridge on him.
Person 1: How did a horde of rotting corpses manage to take out an army of heavily armed soldiers?
Person 2: I dunno? Plot sword?
by MalumLibrum958 September 2, 2022
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Anita: Oh my god, it's so crowded here!

Marisa: Quick, find a sparking plot!
by living_soul12066 October 23, 2008
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A plot hole that could be great or could be garbage at the same time, until an explanation comes out you will never know
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Plot vortex is the phenomenon of playing in a role playing game, resists getting caught up in the plot, but does anyway, because otherwise you’re stuck in the bar, drowning your sorrows in a cuppa, watching dreams of adventure slip from your grasp.
Carolina decided to give up her successful psychologist-to-the-stars practice to tumble into the PLOT VORTEX and oppose the NSA and enable the escape of the schizophrenic hacker, obsessed with following the instructions in their head to build an alien tech robot with artificial intelligence.
by CapUSA33 April 22, 2023
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A writer who is self conscious about the plot of one/all of their stories.
Person 1: I’m writing a story.
Person 2: Ooh, what’s it about?
Person 1: Can I text you? I’m plot conscious.
by HakuoTan August 1, 2020
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