The act of taking a nap in a prayer position. Your knees have to be on the ground while your upper body is laying on something of higher elevation. You never really plan on sleeping like this, it just happens
Dude the other day mike was so wasted at a party that he ended up taking a prayer nap on the toilet
by Bigchild96 July 25, 2015
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when you worship the lord so hard you get a half chub or a full boner
yesterday at church i was praying so hard i got a prayer boner
by zefin May 1, 2019
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The sudden merge to the far right lane and slowing from 90 down to 50mph after realizing you've just flown by a policeman. Normally done in the hope that the policeman didn't clock you as you went by and that you won't get a ticket.
Hey - take a prayer brake - you just flew by a cop with his radar out.
by Jbt003 July 4, 2009
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Going for a convenient late night walk, that's really just so you can smoke weed. Great cover word to disguise your dirty habits for your deeply religious parents.
Prayer Walk partakers will often come back feeling very spiritual. 100% would recommend.
Billy - 'Yo mum I'm just going on a prayer walk real quick'
Mum - 'No worries son, what a good boy going outside to be at one with the lord'
Billy (Blazed like a motherfucker) - 'I'm back mum'
Mum - 'My, my. Looks like you've felt the touch of Jesus Christ'
by DeadEyeDonny March 29, 2022
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A peanut head, wrinkly raisin, built like a ninja turtle ass girl. She thinks everyone likes her but really no body does, even my confidence isn't that high..
Prayer is ugly.
by ilovefrutydixiey222 September 3, 2022
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Sweetest and prettiest girl you have ever met.She is always here for you, but will clown you when you Mess up but still love you anyway
Prayer don’t let people bring you down
by Praye November 23, 2021
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Sweetest and prettiest girl you have ever met.She is always here for you, but will clown you when you Mess up but still love you anyway
Prayer don’t let people bring you down
by Praye November 23, 2021
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