The best relief pitcher the game of baseball has ever seen. His demon sinker is without doubt the best pitch in baseball and paired with his wipeout slider he is unhittable.
For those of you who don’t know Clay Holmes, he has a 3.77 SIERA, and a 72.8 GB%, which is 1st in all of MLB. He also can strike batters out, with a 23.3 K%. Only issue is the walks, at 13.2%. We trade Park but we weren’t gonna use him anyways, so I really like this.
by Shad November 23, 2021
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A well-renowned E.R. Medical Doctor by day, an adult entertainer by night. Dr. Holmes is how he is referred to in both professions.
“They call me Dr. Holmes...”
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a slow person,what some would call a retard
the one who rides the short bus,always in the frunt seat!
loves to pick her boogers,an let it b known she eats them.
hobbies consist of sittin in the corner lik a dumbass.

hey wheres jacklyn holmes? still on the short bus!
by the phenomenal me March 18, 2009
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He is one of the creators and stars of the show Workaholics. He's a DILF. He's super funny and fucking hot.
Anders Holm is so hot.
I heart Anders Holm.

Anders Holm is yummy.
by johnnyknoxvilleshoe March 12, 2022
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