A strong smelling dark strain of marijuana
that gives you a quick high, but then robs you and your country of Trillions of $ before you know what happened.
Wow i smoked some Barack Obama Weed last night and now im broke and my country has gone to hell.... WTF?
by goddess help us April 19, 2009
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When a caucasian male as the disorder of white boy dance syndrome and decides to take a modern jazz or hip hop dance. To gain a better reflection of the African American race. And by the end of the class he still dances like a white boy but has some moves of the black guy resulting in the Barack Obama Syndrome.
"Yo John before this class, I had no sense of dance skills but now I have the barack obama syndrome."
by Parker James March 3, 2009
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1. When one feels they're at their best with apparel and swagger, when you feel you have the confidence to achieve the impossible.

2. When you Can.

3. To have swagger, and loafers
"I'm going out tonight, I'ma get my Barack on."
by Lato November 7, 2008
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A quick way one person (usually black but not limited to black people alone) tells another (again usually black but not limited to black people alone) to behave in a respectable manner or they'll get smacked for acting the fool.
Beavis: I am cornholio!! I need TV for my bung-hole!!!

Butthead: Dude Barack is in the White House!! Don't make me smack you fool

John: <Making a lot of noise while Jesse Ventura is speaking on Fox News>

Wayne: Dude Barack is in the White House be quiet and let me watch Jesse Ventura lay into these fools!!
by ShakZulu2000 June 2, 2009
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:To trick or embarrass somebody. Variation of the term "Got em"
"Remember when Kobe crossed Dwight Howard? Barack O'Got em.
by G-Cracks June 10, 2009
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