Ohohohohohoho! Maybe not a charlatan! Are we starting to believe the things we say? Because I was going to go on a about how meritocracy isn't real and use myself as evidence... You know? Cause of all the blatant and public exploitation? But that might no longer be necessary! I don't have a bank account so just bring a briefcase full of money.
Hym "OHOHOHOHOHOHO!!! Oh!? Is the world-changing, genius philosopher your co-writer now!? Is that was makes your book so deep? Because it was co-written by the Mariana trench in human form? Hohohohohohoho! You're a lucky guy! To have the world's greatest mind on retainer like that. Maybe I was wrong about you!"

Iam "You forgot the 'convenient excuse' part..."

Hym "Huh? Oh! Ah shit! Yeah, Autism would be a super convenient excuse for my behavior. Untouchable! Beyond contempt! Above scrutiny! Better than everyone! Ahahahahahaha!"
by Hym Iam January 3, 2023
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When you keep writing or coloring and cannot stop. You will let your hand slip off the paper, and stab someone.
An evil plot to get rid of the population.
I had writer colider, and stabbed Jimmy in da eye.

by I am Iron Man April 8, 2006
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A kind of shirt (ususally an over-shirt) that with time will sag or move to one side, thus causing one to have to keep pulling it back to the other side like a type-writer. This happens most commonly with girls as some shirts will move to one side as it flows, but gets stuck on a boob.
Guy: Hey, you've got some type-writer action going on.
Girl: Ugh! I know, this shirt is so annoying, but cute!
by DecemberSparkler November 3, 2011
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