Dauphin County Technical School, in Dauphin County, PA. It is a great school for learning a trade. However, some trades have the worst people. First, any shop that deals with cars have literally the most jackass, disrespectful, cocky, “tough” dudes on the planet. If you’re friends with someone in Diesel… then they are probably going to talk shit behind your back and flex how many engines they put in cars or flex how “bigger” they are to you. There are some good people but most of em can eat the shit my dogs leave on the backyard. If you had year 2018-2021 half of that shop thought they we’re tough shit. Some probably still are in 2021. Other shops like medical has some of the hottest bitches in that shop. Drafting & Design Technology has one of the nicest and coolest draft teacher. His name is Mr. Winton. Most of the kids in any kind of digital art shop has the weirdest kids and even racist ones. Overall, it is a great school if u want further education and get into a college. They also offer military by having a officer near a booth for you to sign up for, which is a great way of getting into the service. Every shop has their own ways of doing homework. Some shops have no meaning for homework, some do. Go to Dauphin County Technical school if u want a better education
Employer: “where did u go to school at?”

You: “Dauphin County Technical School”

Employer: “Seems like you went through a lot. Also, I heard the Diesel kids are terrible… but you got the job!”
by Anonymous27582914 September 21, 2021
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In reference to the thing you are upset about me doing and, latter, the thing you are doing.
Hym "Technically I didn't, but literally you are. I technically didn't do the thing you're pissed about but you are literally doing the thing I am pissed about. Therefore, only one of us has an excuse to be pissed-off right now... So here...🖕 There's a finger for you... It's a good one too! It's the 'action finger' as I like to call it..."
by Hym Iam April 28, 2023
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1. Wanting to invite a friend to an event and having to invite his/her boyfriend/girlfriend aswel, even if you don't want the significant other there.

2. Inviting somebody to an event when you desperately don't want them there in order to appear like the better person. This usually requires quite a bit of "down-playing".
1. "Arnold was standing right there when I invited Susan to my birthday, total technicality invite"

2. "Why did you invite all of Rodgers friends"

"They we're all 'technicality invites', you know, so it wouldn't be awkward when they show up anyway..."
by Ansel Adams February 20, 2013
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A person who isn't really a millionare but claims to be.
Did you guys subscribe to Traventure's new bot? It will make you a technical millionaire in no time!
by urbandictionarygenerator May 18, 2018
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If your smart go here
Wow nature coast technical high school looks smart

Tom "Aye timmy whats your grades"

Timmy "all A's as usual wbu"

Tom "umm dont worry bout that"
by Sniper_boy6969 September 8, 2021
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The genesis behind Technical Geeky is my passion for anything even remotely related technology. My areas of interest include Blogging, Technology, Computer Systems,Smartphone, Gadgets, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) , WordPress, Programming, Software Reviews and of course, surfing the net all the time.

Technical Geeky is a Blog Site where I write in the above-mentioned areas of interest.
by Technical Geeky October 8, 2019
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The place where all the smart people go. Don’t apply if your stupid, everyone is a nerd there.
Career Technical Leadership Academy is a High-school for 5 years but leaves with an associate degree.
by #gramzemog21 September 9, 2021
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