The idea that if you let life run its course, then the universe will work things out for the better and everything will fall into place.
You know how I lost my wallet a week ago. A girl found it and returned it with her number in it. It was pure Comic Synergy
by Brendan252 October 27, 2010
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A thing a lolbertarian tells you to learn when you confront them with real logic and point out flaws in their ideas.
So I said A+B = B+A to this lolbert and he just told me to learn eunuch comics!
by Dr Drivel May 12, 2020
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Sonic the hedgehog comics that are now discontinued under the Archie licensing.

Most sonic fans view back fondly on it despite its many issues with its writing, characters and honestly everything about it.

Quite the strangest piece of official sonic ever. All thanks to Ken penders
“I loved the sonic Archie comics as a kid… read em again recently… I had forgotten the atrocities..”
by TheSwagsterr February 20, 2023
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When you see someone or something that was amazingly phenomenal and in the same breath comical. You get phenomacomical.

D I d you see what just happened, and nobody was injured?

Yes,, I did and It was phenomacomical, lol...
D I d you see what just happened, and nobody was injured?

Yes,, I did and It was

Phenomacomical, lol...

phenomacomical : Meaning
highly extraordinary comical
by Tennesseeshaker April 25, 2021
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diana prince of the themyscira. aka wonder woman! the face of woman in comics. the blueprint for female superhero’s. number #4 most popular superhero of all time. and will forever be #1 in female superhero’s.
wonderwoman , diana prince , queen of comics
by ocxep111 August 27, 2022
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An art style that would look great in a webcomic.
"Wow! Your art style is so comicable! I would love to see a story from you.
by Dapper_Deer September 26, 2022
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Is generally for women who are performing a blowjob but due to a disinterest starts to read his underwear (normally comic book related underwear).
I got so bored during the blowjob I started to comic reading his boxers.
by BrokenDragon December 7, 2015
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