When you watch Netflix with the door open and avoid all chill.
Caleb - "I went to Talia's room for Netflix and chill but all I got was Netflix and no chill"
Talia - "Why won't he make a move??!!?"
by Chinerzz November 22, 2018
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Simply the opposit of Netflix and chill! You go over and watch Netflix and cuddle but there is no fucking involved... Sorry bros
Me: wanna come over and chill
Girl: sure! I'm on my period though...
Me: never mind... We can Netflix and not chill...
by Bro stuff February 17, 2016
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An activity a fuckboy proposes when he has a Netflix subscription, although it may mean actually watching a movie and generally hanging, more severe fuckboys are actually suggesting some form of sexual intimacy

For him, popcorn is not the only thing on the menu.
I'm free tonight for some Netflix & chill if you want to come over...

I'm skint at the moment; so instead of Netflix & chill, it's going to have to be youtube & chill.

He proposed Netflix & chill night the little fuckboy.
by BallsofGlitter November 2, 2015
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A super-direct way to get in the door for a fuck. Netflix and chill, means that you are going to go over to your partners house and fuck with Netflix in the background. The compliment about the shoes, ensures this approach's effectiveness.
Bromigo 1: Yo, me and Karen totally just fucked to "Despicable Me 2"
Bromigo 2: Bruh...dude! How'd you get her to agree to that!?!
Bromigo 1: I said what any proper gentleman would, "Nice Shoes, wanna Netflix and Chill?"
by Jamesknapper September 4, 2015
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"Its basically like netflix and chill, but with the use of violence, drugs, and or s&m. It could have been planned beforehand or it could have been a 'netflix and chill' gone wrong. Usually one or more participants or observers will get injured.
Wayne: "ayyy gurl, why dont we netflix and no chill later tongiht."

Victoria: " i dont know. That sounds a little intense for our second date."

Wayne : "ayyy, YOLO girl. Just relax, and we can netflix and no chill slowly."
by wavs101 August 10, 2015
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when someone invite you over but actually wanting to fuck or some type of sexual activity. This works on everyone unless your name is Kendale Lashay Nigger Underwood who plan is to fuck but actually ends up watching Netflix and chilling.
"Aye I'm home alone, you wanna come over?"
"& do what"
"Idk we can watch Netflix & Chill... But wait your name isn't Kendale right?"
by Dg960 August 20, 2015
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