The father of the current president, and not the president like most idiots think
Barack Hussein Obama was our president's father
by dontutouchme July 8, 2009
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44th president of the United States and first African-American president.

A man with the extraordinary ability to induce a primal state of paranoia and rage known as Obama Derangement Syndrome upon fanatical conservatives to the point where they take out their rage on Urban Dictionary by writing long winded, wildly incoherent and nonsensical definitions such as the one at the top of this page, and even hacking the votes on their own definitions in a pathetic attempt to make their extremist views appear popular, as if any minds will be changed by the spewings of some angry basement dweller on a site which everyone knows is a real bastion of unbiased, factual information.
For more examples of the insanity induced by Barack Hussein Obama, check out the definitions for evolution, barack obama, and liberal, particularly those written by authors 'ABSOLUTE' and 'KEEPin It REAL' who just so happen to be the same vote-pumping, God-fearing, CAPS-abusing moron.
by bluebloodhound November 15, 2011
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Steeped in strength, raised on dignity and determination, aware of the past, the present, and the possibilities of the future, a writer and an agent of positive change, the Senator from Illinois upon whose shoulders the future of the world rests.
Yes we can, and we will elect Barack Hussein Obama to be the next President of the United States. My middle name is Patrick, should I be ashamed of my Irish roots?
by Sergio Momarsh February 21, 2008
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An unsolvable riddle that puzzled leading scientists and inventors for millions of years equivalent to the Obamas last name conundrum. Scientists have officially labeled it a "tough nut to crack"
Person 1: "Do you know what Barack's first name is?"
Person 2:" w h a t?"
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In the sport of ultimate, the technique of throwing a disc so that it nearly grazes the playing surface, but suddenly leaps back into the air at or above normal disc catching altitude. Known among less adept ultimate players as an "air bounce."
"Man, did you see the way that handler just raped me with the disc?"

"Yea, once he pulled out the air barack obama, I knew you were done."
by tillypuppies April 21, 2010
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an obama version of the song "lollipop."

america's current best selling lollipop: the barack-o-pop. is made up of a stick inside a giant lollipop with barack obama's face on it that people lick the face of.
Person 1: yo that barack-o-pop was deliciously barackin!.

Person 2: dam man i should try one.

by sk3sd January 27, 2009
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