When you’ve been in your hometown or staying with your parents for too long, usually during the holidays, and are the point where you resent or are sick of your family and just want to get back to your own apartment. People can have different tolerance levels before they get a home hangover - for someone it might be a week, or it might be eight hours.
I should have cut my visit home over Christmas by two days, I’ve got the worst home hangover now.
by arboreal_pseudonym January 11, 2023
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A girl/guy from a persons home town whom they "hook up" with in their home town when away from their current place of living (specifically in reference to returning to a parents home from college)
I'm going to home this weekend I hope my home town hero Samantha is there so we can slam
by jkirby2 July 24, 2011
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the act of going home after a *long fun-filled day.
*syn an enjoyable day
"what you doing right now, girl?"
"well I'm homeing."

can also be used in a Snapchat story after taking a video of your journey home.
by Aveline Onyinye October 29, 2022
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When something is a worse version of an existing person/item.

Comes from a meme about how the commonly shared experience of asking your parents for fast food and being told "there's food at home." With the food at home always being something horrible.
Man, Baby Keem is just Kendrick at home, shit's still fire tho.
by Thieson October 6, 2022
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