When you see a set of two friends.. always one of them have to be ugly
See those people over there? They are best friends and honestly... I aint ever seen two pretty best friends. always one of 'em always gotta be ugly
by sum_ting_wong9 January 22, 2021
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Someone who is ugly as fuck

A shank that watches your instagram stories that post naked pictures
“She has an ugly ass

“Shut your Ugly ass up
by That boi is here January 31, 2021
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someone who doesn't like mushrooms on pizza
Person 1: Ew, mushrooms? On pizza? Digusting.
Person 2: shut your mouth you ugly ass
by suspicious gay fag December 17, 2021
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“Hey Aisha,who’s that ugly ass?
My ex friend.”
by lashiklo March 19, 2023
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So ugly it reminds you of piss. Could also refer to how they smell with the small of piss
Bob: Oh dude Stephanie is kinda hot
Jorge: Nah dude she's piss-ugly
Bob: You gay?
by pee pee 3 July 21, 2019
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A woman who is a barfly who drinks alcohol excessively over a long period of time and her beauty deteriorates more rapidly than by natural aging. Another sister phrase is to 'Smoke herself ugly" for a woman who smokes meth and her beauty deteriorates more rapidly than by natural aging.
"Man, that Bitch done drank herself ugly for sure!"

"Man, that Bitch done smoked herself ugly for sure!"
by Abzeichen October 1, 2013
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