1. the stain on your underwear when under wiping has taken place

2. a person thats a drain in society
ur a real sh*t stain
by nikkixox January 10, 2012
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Used when nothing is currently going to plan and you're getting insanely annoyed. A good way to relive anger or stress when working on a frustrating project.
"F*cking Sh*thouse!"
by GarryDOS December 12, 2018
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A horrendous rip-off The Beatles that was mentioned in Wayne’s World.
David: What is your favorite band?
Joe: I like The Sh*tty Beatles.
David: We ain’t friends anymore.
by Dray’s Dictionary April 3, 2020
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Finally understanding how someone effected you negatively and you understand your worth
Im not gonna key your car ill call your f**ing mom. Fellas Aint sh*t
by CardIboard July 11, 2021
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When its bigger then your normal load and you been hodling it back for awhile.
The after party wasnt ready for when i dropped my sh-load.
by Y2ICON November 24, 2021
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