When your girl can’t take a finger in her ass so you shove your whole dick in her
I “TB Smashed” the fuck outta that bitch
by Mcyeeters Sleeters April 13, 2022
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getting completely intoxicated while playing any Marvel vs Capcom game.
Last night me and the homies got together and got hulk-smashed playing MvC 2 while drinking 40oz's.
by Darkdancer December 2, 2010
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When you're smashing your girl (or guy) so hard that you explode and take off like a rocket and it takes you to Mars.
Guy 1: Bro I just Rocket Smashed my girl last night that was crazy.
Guy 2: Yooooo no way that's crazy!
by sistersmasher69 June 13, 2021
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Smashing the bard- a term used by super nerds or D&D players that refers to masturbation
Johnny got grounded because his mom caught him smashing the bard
by StupidShadyGames May 21, 2017
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