When hot, cute and funny neighbor runs into its hot, cute and funny neighbor at company party and forgets to enter the real party to talk to neighbor for at least 20 minutes.
I ran into hot, cute and funny neighbor. He/she has recently gone through similar break-up as I. But I didn’t give a fuck. It’s a rebound.
by Madeleine andre June 5, 2018
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When you hit yo man in the right spot. And make him go crazy
Boy: Man she rebounded me last night and i about died. She got a thicc ass.
by Hahahahahah fuck you February 14, 2021
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To take a second shot after the first shot in hockey.
Rob shoots the puck and the puck comes back and Rob shoots again.(Rebound ) or when you shoot and a person on your team gets the puck and shoots again right back to back. You shot goalie blocks it bob shots right after.
by BallsDroppingInMyThroat November 19, 2017
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Hey look at this Kenny guy with that chick.
Yeah but he’s just her rebound
by Whats_Up_Kenny January 22, 2021
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