Taking an Amphetamine and a Benzodiazepine simultaneously to emulate the effects of extacy when said substance is unavailable or unreliable or you just prefer the PMR.
Dood I popped like three klonapin and some Dex This is the poor man's roll!
by elwoood13 November 5, 2013
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When you haven't done the dishes, and you make an oven pizza. So you put it on the cardboard box.
Complete opposite of Fine China
"Yo man were out of plates..." Guy 1
"Just put it on the box!" Guy 2
"Here's the Poor Man's Plate..." #1
by PokingAPanda July 23, 2012
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Lighting and smoking a cigarette with tobacco and one hitter with Cannabis simultaneously. It can also be used as an attempt to mask the weed smell if circumstances require.
I grabbed a Marlboro red and poked my one hitter into the last of my weed to smoke a poor man's spliff.
by Riverrat69 December 12, 2022
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Some poor mans rum soon calmed him down.
by !munchkin-pumpkin! January 15, 2012
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did you guys know marmalade is often referred to as poor man’s lemonade?
by xmasanarchist September 21, 2022
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The act of melting down a snickers bar in a pan and throwing the molten nougat into someones face. This then sticks to the victims face, burning them continuously.
Person 1: Did you see that guys face?! What happened to him?

Person 2: Yeah, it seems poor man's punishment got the better of him.

Person 1: What! That must of hurt.
by Egg with tail November 1, 2017
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