When politicians focuses on the negative aspects of a specific object, trend, or issue while many other more important problems are left with no attention payed towards them.
Somehow, someway, The President Of The United States decides to engage in Politician's Trivial now, and against Tik Tok of all things, while near 200,000 people have died from a disease he has payed next to no attention to.
by yeahthisisanaccount September 15, 2020
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A dump where your colon, and subsequently, the majority of your toilet are full of shit like a politician. This bowel movement is the result of a fiber rich diet, and is noted by several productive pushes, an overuse of toilet paper, and the need to flush more than once to get rid of the mess.
"I'm sorry I'm late. I had to take a politician poop, and it took twenty minutes to flush it all down."
by King12401 July 31, 2022
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When you take a big dump, be political to a certain degree after doing it, but refrain from using some certain names.
Rico took a Corrupt Politician after eating something from Taco Bell.
by PhoenixGamer34 April 28, 2021
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A smile that everyone will fall in love with.
Her baby has a politicians smile.
by Latbirch June 12, 2020
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Disgruntled-with-the-State citizen's term for a 4-wheeled gas-guzzler.
Dude #1: Sorry to have to bring my car politician car this time, Buddy, but my Prius in in the repair shop, so I'll have to charge you an extra two dollars in gas for the ride to the store.
Dude #2: "Politician car" ---? You mean that its engine is "all talk and no action"?
Dude #1: Well, not really --- that's as good a guess as any, but in this case I was referring to the car's being a "total suck-up".
by QuacksO November 5, 2016
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Someone who thinks their favorite politician is the best one in the world. Their politician can do no wrong and anyone who supports anyone else is a dumbass racist redneck twig boy idiot
Guy 1: who’s your favorite politician?
Guy 2: I’m kind of an (insert politician here) supporter.
Guy 1: Whoa what are you talking about?
by Boom stick August 9, 2019
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Idiot: "MAGA MAGA Trump will rise!!!"
Idiot 2: "NOOOOO!!! Biden is superior waaah!!! waaah!!!"
Vermin Supreme Supporter: "Will any other politician make you brush your filthy teeth? No! Vote Vermin Supreme today! He is the only Honest Politician..."
by 2hufan September 24, 2023
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