a cell phone, something most teenagers have and use on a daily basis.
Guy 1 "I lost my cellulaire device! Can you call it for me?"
Guy 2 "yeah sure."
by marianastrench=<3 February 18, 2011
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In cock and ball torture, similar to many other sexual activities, CBT can be performed using toys and devices to make the penis and testicles more easily accessible for attack, or for foreplay purposes.
by 1234567890abcdefghij June 30, 2020
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An instrument used to measure the force of thrust between two partners during sex.
When Patricia took off her pants and jumped on Oscar, she damn near broke the Dave Device.
by Fruitloop72 November 5, 2021
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A mechanism to defeat a security system through the unintended use of fall-backs or exception paths that are not widely considered during development. Inspired by Alan Rickman's Hans Gruber character in the movie Die Hard (1988), who arranges for the uninterruptible power supplies securing the vaults at Nakotomi Plaza to be cut by causing the police to invoke their terrorist response procedures.

"The circuits that cannot be cut are automatically cut in response to a terrorist incident. You asked for a miracle, Theo, I give you the F-, B-, I..."
"This box is using distributed TACACS. I'll need a Gruber Device to make it fall-back to static password."
"Maybe try pulling the WAN?"
by keepalive February 11, 2020
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A quirky object used to bamboozle unsuspecting bystanders, otherwise known as an IED.
I engaged in a bit of tomfoolery by placing a trolling device inside this comically oversized envelope addressed to the nearest government office building.
by acid3 February 15, 2022
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a mnemonic device is something that helps you remember something.

a song is a mnemonic device like the abc song, it helps you remember the alphabet.
I use a mnemonic device to help me remember how to spell words.
by Alydia Franks March 1, 2022
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