When an entire picture is created based on the simplicity of ‘kk’ it opens a whole new way to in-depth, curious communication. The facets of the word is not merely an agreeable term but an explanation, allowable intrigue and suggestion. The context contains a wide variation and is a more intimate knowledge of skilled communication riding on emotional expression. It is gold and always applies as an answer and a question. Use it cleverly and it will serve you well. kk.
1. Everything’s alright
2. kk
1. kk
2. Same
1. kk
by Diamondspls July 15, 2020
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KK can be short for any name that starts with a k for example katja Katie and most others kk is usually a Nerd that is trying to improve there behavior and start being popular but by asking there friends to correct them they are very annoying so there friends leave them
Oh my KK is a nerd!
I know right!
KK is also sooo annoying
by Messuki January 26, 2022
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It's a type of OK
by Hellbug November 2, 2019
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a person who is very cool and very good at video games. Kaustubh KK is also a metaphor for brain as he loves giving brain
by Kaustubh KK September 15, 2022
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The ship name for TKH and KTKT. Please go there if you need any help either medically, or in ur love life.
I have an appointment at kk hospital later to see a therapist for my love life.
by some body in your class September 8, 2021
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Quite possibly one of the most annoying things but if remixed into music it can be a bop. It's also the intro to BTS World.
ARMY: *opens BTS World*

ARMY: *annoyed*
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Term used by the Sportpoeder community to encourage the members to eat their daily dose of kk kwark.
by Kwark Queen November 23, 2021
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