The inventor of the headache. Created when John Headache tried to think too hard in 1882. We hate this guy and his cursed invention.

Remember people, we were supposed to live a world free from thought. Thinking only makes brain sad and hurty.
"my head hurts wtf"
"You are likely experiencing a headache. These grievances were created by one John Headache. You have him and only him to blame. Stop thinking immediately to reduce harm."
by TheRatEmpire November 9, 2023
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a group of Sariyas
Look at that pride of lions and a chronic headache of Sariyas
by Cheeky Corners November 1, 2020
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Al-Arqam Islamic School and College Preparatory.
let's cancel islamic studies and give them TOK instead, such a headache!
by kittycat 123 love peace September 18, 2019
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A headache caused by the visual onslaught of grammatically incorrect text. Some times bringing out the grammar nazi in you.
Mike's essay have me a grammar headache. It had too many errors.
by P.L Johnsen May 3, 2017
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This is when a person feels like the have a headache on only one side of the head, particularly felt on top of the eye or on the eyebrow.
person one: whats wrong?
person two: Dude I have this horrible headache, but its only one side!!
person one: oh, you must have a one-eyed headache.
by Carlos Santiago September 13, 2005
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When a task is so incomprehensible or difficult that you get very confused.
Getting a human on Mars and back will be a snowstorm headache for NASA.


"I got a snowstorm headache from that Math test last week."
by d_leet February 3, 2016
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