You give a girl 30 Days if she doesn’t interest you, sucks or fucks you block her
Boy:Your 30 day policy is almost up

by 30 Day Policy January 12, 2023
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Regulations of the metric system planning system plan to invest your actions in the right probability. Gambling risk are an extreme factor in policies. Has a 70% chance of winning bets from dealers. He can benefit from investment from other individuals if they qualify as religious deciphers. Mutual funding everyday to regulate the right conduct and principles of JINAS.
Kahiem : Can you spare any quarters, nickels, dimes, pennies to regulate my metric system ?

Customer:*Thumbs Up*

Customer: Here's .35 cent take it and go take care of yourself

.35 can include savings that can make a share of more than 7 %

Investor: Remember Be careful out there

Jinaist policies has to be regulated on a daily basis it's the power of one 🕐
by Jinaist Policies April 3, 2021
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a) something that cannot - and should not- and will never be understood without a PhD in nuclear physics

b) oxygen for Henry Kissinger

c) a new, as yet undiscovered, element from the periodic table, abbreviated US (subscript 616, F being the 6th letter of the alphabet and P the 16th)
Boy writing a letter to Obama and Hillary Clinton: if none of you have a PhD in nuclear physics, why did you even bother trying to understand US foreign policy, definition a)?

Boys mother: Steven, are you all right? I think you need a psyche-eval
by Sexydimma June 11, 2017
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Yazime: “what’s cookies policy?”

Deandre: “its when you sell your soul yo google.”

Yazmine: “😂😂😂”

Deandre: “😐”
by Ggyyfffccbh October 19, 2022
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Math policy means that 32 ×1 is always 32 , but any other number multiplied by 1 , is always Not 32 , no matter what . My teacher tought me this lesson yesterday
33×1 is not an example of math policy . Because 33×1 does not equal 32
by Mathpolicyguy October 9, 2020
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it means that 1×32 is always 32 , but if it was any other number like 33 × 1 , it would not equal to 32 . My math teacher tought me this lessen about math policy
I told you the definition, so you figure out how you put math policy in a sentence.
by Mathpolicyguy October 9, 2020
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Math policy means that 32 × 1 is always equal to 32 , but 33 × 1 does not equal 32 . My teacher tought me this lesson last year at 1st grade
I math policy your big head every day , Jamie Fredrick .
by Mathpolicyguy November 19, 2020
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