Similar to daydreaming, zoning out usually involves obscure subject matter such as how toothpicks are made or what will happen when squirrels take over the world. Common among, but not imited to, those with ADD or ADHD.
Chester was so zoned out that he didn't even notice Jim slapping him in the back of the head.

"I'm sorry, what? I was zoned out.."
by MandyM November 16, 2005
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Mikey: Rikki!
Rikki: ...........
Rikki: sorry i just zone out.
by booobbbie December 22, 2010
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Man I was in the club and I was sippin on that lean, Zone Out
by Gifted wun April 27, 2010
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The exprience of starting an acid trip.
I was so zoned out last night, i slept with that shemale.I'm never zoning out again.
by legend 101.2 July 11, 2008
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Being in an extreme state of shock or irrtiation.
ex1) bruh, you been callin my name for 2 hours straight... YOU ZONIN' ME THE FUCK OUT!

ex2) I know she didn't just shit in that cup and then eat it! Dude, I'm so zoned out....
by ravenjm June 18, 2011
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The term used for when someone stares out into space (zones out)with their head slightly tilted to the side, and with their mouth slightly opened.
Boy 1 - Look at that girl, she is just staring at the wall with her head slightly tilted and her mouth open.
Boy 2 - Yeah that's Jessica, she has the Burdette Zone Out syndrome.
by Dan Goff March 15, 2008
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