A typical Wisconsin/Upper Michigan redneck phrase, meaning "you guys".
Yous guys want to come with to the store?
by CK February 21, 2004
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you all or y'all (why hasn't this been set straight in English?)
yous guys come over here and let me show you how to use that wrench..
by david June 3, 2003
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A phrase, coined and made famous by Norman Hyatt. Refers to many, or just one person.
"Yous guys want a bourbon?"
"Yous guys are really into those genuine drafts aren't yous"
by RandomUser123 April 24, 2009
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To call group of people...used both for male or female.
by Nguyen Khoi Nguyen August 21, 2006
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1. A reference to a group of men and women.
Example (setup): What the "baby-ruth" guy said in the movie Goonies.
Example (actual): "Hey you guys!"
by chaeseco June 2, 2003
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Canadian Origin
Pronoun to highlight a group of close friends
"Yous Guys coming over for beer tonight?"
"We will meet Yous Guys at the trailer for a camp fire and shots."
"Yous Guys going out on the boat today. "
by TorontoScott January 30, 2017
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Pronoun. An informal, plebeian, All-American term used to address more than one person, without regard to the sexes of the addressees. Continually gaining popularity in this function as a substitute for "you," "you all," "y'all," even among the highly educated, and even among traditional people deep in the South, home of rival, functionally-equivalent term "y'all." May draw its growing appeal, which stretches across barriers of age, economic and educational background, ethnicity, and geography, from its apparent congeniality to the All-American ethics of superficial egalitarianism, aversion to pretensions of education, and emulating popular media and celebrities. Also may be gaining popularity among aging baby boomers as these struggle to maintain some vestiges of youthfulness and relevance. Presently, the term is partially and even fully replacing "y'all" in the communications of many Southerners, many of whom may be inspired by, in addition to the reasons given above, an insecurity about their accent and/or regional origins. Very formal or linguistically-fastidious people may be irritated when others use this term. Proud Southerners may view the use of the term by their fellow Southerners as a form of cultural betrayal, as a form of scalawag-ism.
Young-at-heart grandmother in Baton Rouge, speaking on the phone with her daughter-in-law: "You guys wanna come over Thursday night for some gumbo?"

Balding-but-youthful associate professor of English at an SEC college, to a half-filled classroom of students on a Friday: "You guys turned in some great essays, full of original and deep concepts. Since tomorrow's a game day, and since y'all've worked so hard lately, let's end class early. Also, I'm kind of hungover--hehe. You guys have a great weekend!"
by Lance Lamar February 1, 2016
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