when someone beats a rattlesnake to death with a baseball bat or any other hard sports item.
"the other day little john juan yelled snake!"
"what did u do?"
"i gave that serpent a good ol' west texas massage with the woman's sex toy"
by THUNDER_N_U_T_Z February 23, 2010
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a sexual act that takes part between one woman and 4 or more men, usually from different nationalities
"Charlie, what's a West Texas Hoedown?"
"I don't know, Sarah, why's that?"
"Well I asked Becky what she was up to for the weekend, and that's what she told me!"
by Mister.H May 6, 2015
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"when someone farts on a mans cock before entering ass"
Dude did you hear joey gave Omar a West Texas breeze?
by thunder cookie July 8, 2020
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A sexual act in which a person inserts four fingers into his/her partner and then sucks thier exposed thumb. This act is very popular in Western Texas.
Smokey: Wanna do some oxys and fuck?
T Boogey Whatup: Yeah Boy! Let me get a West Texas Handshake in front of my captain geeg.
by Giddy-Up Tony September 28, 2010
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(noun) Weaving or wandering around the road, caused by road hypnosis from driving down many miles of empty and perfectly straight road that looks exactly like the last many miles you drove. Driving these roads on cruise control with your hands immobile on the steering wheel leads to inattention to driving, or to boredom strong enough that you're tempted to swerve off the road on purpose rather than by accident.

(verb) To unintentionally drive very very gradually off the road or into the opposing lane, because the road is so empty and boring that you aren't paying enough attention to notice.
I was reading a magazine while driving to El Paso, and the west texas drift took me halfway across a field before I even noticed.

The next town is in a straight line 269 miles away. When I finally get there, I'd better get a hotel room; all this west texas drifting is about to make me at one with the tumbleweeds.
by exstock April 8, 2009
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The act of ripping anal beads out of someones ass as though you are starting a chainsaw
Hey Nikki have you ever been west Texas chainsawed
by Sick kackis August 27, 2021
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West Texas Fuck Money, refers to the concentration of wealth in Austin, TX due to large inflows of liquidity from states like California, New York, and Illinois. Housing prices in a three year span doubled, pricing out many of the local residents.
Louie: “The chicks in this city have gotten exponentially hotter since the turn of the century

Varun: “Huh, I wonder if that’s a product of WEST TEXAS FUCK MONEY
by fuckboy1986 January 29, 2021
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