wicked. First coined by childerens TV presenters Ant and Dec.
"Ant and Dec were killed horribly? wacked!!"
by SiRuS January 4, 2004
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A word used by an individual not well versed in urban lingo, intending to use the word "wack".
The douchebag at the bar grunted, "that shirt is so wacked".
by Pompadour Chubs September 25, 2009
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To be the gayest little sex puppet that I know.
Holy crap that kid on irc is wacked, yo.
by endoskeleton April 19, 2005
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something that really sucks.

also a quote from a vine where a black man just yells
his hair? WACK
his gear? WACK
his jewelry? WACK
his foot stance? WACK
the way he talks? WACK
the way he doesn’t even like to smile? WACK
me? I ‘ M T I G H T A S F U C K
by olivaègay November 28, 2018
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Perplexingly unsavory; “off”; unusual/weird in a bad or uncomfortable way; confusing and unsettling; hard to understand (and often not worth the effort to try to understand)
Yeah, that math teacher was bad, but the school just fired him out of the blue!
That’s wack, dude.
by IstanbulKedi June 15, 2019
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an adjective used to refer to something crazy, weird, and/or unbelievable
Amir: Yo, did you see mr. brown break dancing in his cow costume?
Zach: Yeah, that was wack bro
by ur b1tch November 22, 2019
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