After cumming in a girl's or guy's butthole, you pee in it.
I fucked this girl in the ass last night and after I busted in her butthole, she asked me for a top off, so I peed in her butt.
by vinny vega December 12, 2006
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"yo. what are you doing?"
"im toppin my girl's dog off. lemme call you back"
"just text me."

"oh yeah, top me off baby"

"you better shut up or im gonna knock you out and top you off"

the act can be represented as itself in the present tense; topping off. booyah grammar kids. im gonna top y'all off
by dmoney,son December 14, 2007
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as an inside joke at a wedding by the best man: "when times are hard, you've always been there to top me off"

as an inside joke when filling people's beer cups at a party with a pitcher, filled up from the keg: "anyone need a top off?"

when you actually poop in someone else's butt
by meaty hand man August 5, 2008
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1. To breed with someone of African descent to assimilate some of their genes into one's progeny. Used with the assumption that this will result in desirable physical traits (full lips, curly hair, bronze skin) or African sterotypes (better rhythm, larger penis, better muscle-tone, sports ability).

Usually used by people with some existing negroid admixture.
Check out her nasty thin lips. She should top off on her 'groid.

My phenotype is pretty caucasoid, so if I marry a nice Aethiopid I can top off my blackness without getting maxxed-out features.

by RAS crew November 29, 2006
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To make yourself throw up a little when you’ve been drinking. Prematurely to when one might “pull trig
That pregame hit different. I think I need to just take the top off.
by Thiccc nick October 10, 2020
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Place person face down, ass up. Insert Franks Red Hot (All Rights Reserved), NASCAR Style into cornhole. Empty Franks Red Hot, while making glug, glug, glug sound.
Lisa was angry with Sean, so she broke his arms and legs and finished him off with the Tijuana Top Off, as he squealed with delight.
by Micjesus1 April 9, 2015
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