Kissing enthusiastically with tongue.
Alex: Liv, why don't you kiss that boy?
Liv: No, he looks like he likes tongueing, I hate tongueing!
Alex: But still, he looks like he'd be 10/10 for enthusiasm.
Liv: No, I'm no tonguer.
by Tonguer December 2, 2013
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an instrument used to produce infinite pleasure
my tongue tasted the sweetness of the chocolate, causing me to orgasm.

her tongue roamed all over my body, causing me to orgasm.
by papermachete October 27, 2005
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To stick ur tongue up a girl's pussy.
"Ooh...ahh...Oh my god!" I screamed as my boyfriend stared tonguing me.
by MWAHAHAHA February 21, 2005
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Speaking incoherently by mumbling the first sounds that come to your mind while simultaneously tricking yourself into believing a ghost has inhabitated your body and that the crazy blabering noises are actually some spooky ghost language.
John: I was speaking in tongues at last weeks sermon
Pete: Oh, really? what did you say?
John: Blksdoihaflk hoidshaoif ilknflknvoi laskdf dflkjafl iosoahf golf.
by MisterFusion October 14, 2008
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v. To entertain a body part using one's tongue.
She: How was that rim job, Massa?

He: Biatch, you done tongue ma winker like a professional plumber.
by D'emon November 26, 2002
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(1) Correctly: TONGUES = SPOKEN LANGUAGES, ie, sounds made by the mouth TO CONVEY AN INTELLIGIBLE MESSAGE.

(2) Incorrectly: TONGUES = SPOKEN GIBBERISH, ie, sounds made by the mouth WHICH CANNOT BE UNDERSTOOD BY ANYONE.
(1) The missionaries quickly learned the native tongues of the indiginous peoples and preached the gospel to them.

(2) Molly babbled some gibberish during the service, and explained that I couldn't understand it because it was the "tongues of angels". I said that the Greek and Hebrew phrases for "tongues of angels" mean "languages of messengers" and that the words for "language" and "messenger" (both indicate coveying a MESSAGE) can only support the saying as being meant to be UNDERSTOOD.
by Elder Berry Young June 11, 2009
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