One who spends hours at a time trying to figure out what the tobasco rascal means.
Person 1: "Hey do you know what a tobabso rascal is ?"

Person 2: "No"

Person 1: " Same here"

Overlord Voice: "A tobasco rascal is what a tobasco racsal is and none shall question thee."
by ajt623 October 11, 2013
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a TBJ or "tobasco blowjob" is preformed when one party ingests tobasco or food sprinkled with tobasco before give the other party a blowjob. This results in fiery explosion from the other party. The penis may burn a little after, but the experience is well worth it.
Josh: So guys, what you do last night?
Glenn: I gave Jacob a TBJ "tobasco blowjob" last night, tasted great!
Josh: Was it painful Jacob?
Jacob: A little, but the look on Glenn's face after was well worth it.
by LoveInThePentHouseCar February 7, 2010
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When two individuals are engaging in sexual intercourse and the first individual spreads the other individuals butt-hole wide open and pours Tobasco sauce into the anal cavity. Following this, the individuals have anal sex causing the hot sauce to slosh around in the cavity creating severe irritation.
Parker: Dude, Chris and Cheyenne just came out of the bedroom. I heard he gave her a good "Tobasco hot-ass. Ethan: Man, I bet she's in some major pain. Parker: She's a tough hoe though, so it's all good.
by Millinium Steel June 12, 2010
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Thease adorable little things are like scale models of big bottles of tobasco, they are what happens when tobasco mates.

For some reason i also know that they are bottled in upstate New York, probably because i have a tendancy to get bored in the field and read everything i can find.

Look out for them next time you have no other option than too eat ORP's or MRE's.
This iddy biddy tobasco bottle isnt just adorable, its adorabubble!
by cheeseflambe April 11, 2010
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Tobasco dracula is a great mythical beast from another land, capable of many different abilities.
Some of his abilities include:

You will never see T.D in the streets without his boys behind him and a girl under each arm.
Man 1 "hey did you hear that Tobasco dracula himself is gonna be in town"

Man 2 "oh shit I better hide my wife, she might leave me for him"

Woman 1 "anyone would"

Man 1 "shutup bitch"
by fennels fan boy December 12, 2022
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Ass itches? Scratch it with a fart, they say.. Tobasco pants are what happens when ya got a spicy bungus, and try to scratch yer ass with a fart.
Got Damn, Bianca got tobasco pants after we had Mexican food earlier. Fuckin' clear as day.
by Aztec03 July 24, 2018
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Tobasco is a hot sauce that is made from tobasco peppers and vinegar. You can notice it by seeing a small bottle in the supermarket saying "TOBASCO" in green letters on the packaging. There is the CLASSIC HOT SAUCE, GREEN JALAPENO SAUCE, CHIPOTLE PEPPER SAUCE, CAYENNE GARLIC SAUCE, HABANERO PEPPER SAUCE, SCORPION SAUCE, SRIRACHA SAUCE AND SWEET & SPICY SAUCE.
Dad: I'm gonna go get some milk
Me: Get me some tobasco while you're at it! AND COME BACK!
by cacawinstherace December 30, 2022
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