A device that transmodifies things using the power of thermonuclear energy.
Kyle: Tom, did you just put Jimmy in the Thermonuclear Transmodification Device?
Tom: er...
Kyle: No! It transmodified Jimmy into a brick... a thermonuclear brick!
by Random Twoddle July 30, 2005
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A suspicious type of cheese. Also Thermonuclear-active, Nuclear-Active, Radio-Active and xX_GameSlayer_Xx Inactive.
ඞ: amogus
ඞ 2: Thermonuclear Cheese
ඞ: im leaving you.
ඞ 2: That's kinda sus ngl
ඞ: I will be with Joe
ඞ 2: Who's Joe
ඞ: iFucked Joe mama
by ඞ 2 June 8, 2021
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Thermonuclear ass occurs when you eat a shit load of taco bell with diablo sauce and you obliterate your toilet and everything within a two mile radius of ground zero at three in the morning
Dude i ate twenty bucks worth of Taco Bell last night and got some thermonuclear ass going on…….i think I killed the neighbors cat and my toilet in one go.
by Shitbox209 May 12, 2023
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a slap with such force it can cook a raw chicken
friend 1:i gave jon a thermonuclear fronthand and now hes dead.

friend 2: WHY?!?!
by zach :egg: October 11, 2021
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What happens when you kick a man in the balls right before he nuts on his computer.
Bruh did you hear that Lucas's mum caught him in 4K and made him Thermonuclear Destruction?
by WinstonIsDead December 6, 2021
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The unmistakable smell from the mouth of a person with rotting teeth.
Since Jay’s teeth started going south he’s got that thermonuclear death breath!
by VitoVane November 7, 2018
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