adj. The state of being high on cocaine (yayo).
Last night I got so yayed up I felt like a god!
by Lucky Loch April 7, 2003
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Used as an exclamation of pleasure, approval, elation, or victory.
by IAMSODOT March 12, 2004
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An exclamation that always needs to be louder. Most often used in conjunction with practicing cheers for a friends national competition.
RD: So now that you know the elements of a good cheer, lets hear one!
FS: *softly* yay
RD: Louder!
FS: *still softly* yay
RD: Louder!
FS: *again, softly* yay
FS: *Deep breath in, preparing for a loud cheer.* *Softly* yay
by serialman August 31, 2012
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1. Extreme happiness.
2. Can be used in response to :) .
3. The suffix -vm can be used for humour purposes.
4. Discovered and utilized most frequently by a gentleman named Shaun.
Shaun: YAY!!!!
by megaaaaaaa November 23, 2008
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idk randomly said it and it sounded cool
person 1 “can u FaceTime today
Person 2 “Yes
Person 1 “Yayings”
by my Nan is built different December 30, 2021
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a slang term for Cartier glasses often used Detroit, MI
I just bought some yays.
by mookmack September 15, 2006
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