A very long, exceptionally boring "book," used for teaching and torture. Usually on a subject along the lines of math, history and science. Often heavy.
Dude, my history textbook takes up so much room in my backpack!
by studybudy June 13, 2008
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typical, good example of that type of behaviour, does that thing all the time,t.b.,
often followed by the person's name
everytime i bump into her she says 'we gotta get together' (but we never do)...textbook
he bought another pair of black shoes...textbook!
by von tunkel July 2, 2010
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Video Chatting with your Head Lying on a page of your school textbook. The latest trend started by los angeles college students
David and I were textbooking last night. Textbooks have to be good for something, after all...
by ravens101 January 22, 2012
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A combonation of texting and facebook. Parents think you are studying, but your really texting and using facebook.
Mom: Are you studying?

Some kid: Yes, I'm using my "textbook"
by smartass97 May 18, 2010
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Someone who is textbook is predictable, boring, never breaks any rules , needs to be told stuff specifically and spoonfed information and cannot think outside the box.
Omg she is so textbook, I could never go out with her, I would just fall asleep!
by starchild12 November 24, 2011
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(v.) to send an exceptionally long text message
"Dude, I've got a thumb cramp from sending a textbook to Erin."
by Jennifer Fitch February 25, 2007
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a mix between texting and facebook. if you are texting while on facebook, it is textbooking. so technically you are studying.
he is addicted to textbooking.
by xMerlonx March 13, 2011
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