The icon of Disney. Unfortunately, he has been completely scrapped and replaced by whores such as Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers.
Person 1: What ever happened to Mickey Mouse
Person 2: Who knows? I've been too busy trying to get my sister to stop watching all the other shit on Disney.
by Edfrommars August 20, 2008
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To fix a broken cigarette by emptying out the tobacco from the half of the cigarette with the filter and stuffing the other half into it. Only works if the cigarette is broken near the filter.
"Dude I'm low on cigs, don't look down on me cause I need to Mickey Mouse this broken one."
by aye girl lemme see January 7, 2009
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Repairied in an unsuitable fashion.
Duct taped together or jury rigged.
1st Dude: Can you fix my bike?
2nd Dude: Sure.
2nd Dude: Here, I'm done.
1st Dude: Dude you mickey moused it!
2nd Dude: Your welcome
by James Sheridan April 20, 2005
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A semi-sexual act, more often than not considered silly. Mickey Mousing is the act of a large breasted woman setting her breasts on top of the head of another person. Essentially, the breasts settle on either side of the partner's head, looking like Mickey Mouse ears.

Alternatively, it can be called Mickey Moused, in the past tense.
1 - Dude, she's got her tits out and she put them on this chick's head!
2 - You mean she Mickey Mousing her!?
by Morivanism May 5, 2010
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A mouse that goes out with Minnie and is the official logo of WALT DISNEY WORLD.
AWW! There goes Mickey and Minnie Mouse in the parade!
by yemen June 18, 2004
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When a black girl puts her naked tits on top of a white mans head! #joeparker
by Jparker1882 June 19, 2014
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In a movie, when the music is syncronized perfectly with the action, just like a mickey mouse cartoon.
by Freezing the Mainstream July 18, 2006
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