what i was called because i blew up several villages in minecraft
Alex blew up another village, that fucking terrorist
by osamabinblocked April 9, 2021
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someone who presents terror. of any ethnic background.
they are a terrorists becuase they scared the kids on the bikes with knifes.
by tpmc December 4, 2007
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Sub-humans who run around killing unarmed women and children. Killing un-armed women and children is against every religion I have ever heard of including Muslim.
Man, that shitbag sub human just kill a bunch of kids. What a waste of sperm that terrorist is. His mother should have swallowed him when she had the chance.
by Some Dude August 31, 2004
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People whom use cheap tactics to harm inocent people to "prove" a point.. so they think. It really proves nothing but the fact they are stupid, and life is mcshit and they rather screw up someone else's than do something constructive to improve their situation.
Extreme religion is a breeding ground for terrorists. They loose grasp on reality trying to get to there 13 virgins or some shit. (who actually belives this btw?)
by Blunt0r April 20, 2004
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A mean person who doesn't like Airports.
(News reporter) The police caught a heavily armed terrorist on his way to board a flight to Nevada.
by Dr.doge January 4, 2017
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One who commits indiscriminate acts of terror in the name of an ideological cause. Not necessarily a Muslim unlike many ignorant fucks assume. Timothy McVeigh, Weather Underground, al-Queda, the KKK, and the Taliban. All terrorists, but not all Muslim.
Person 1: Goddamn Ay-rabs blowin' up our shit all the time. Theres one of their raghead women now, fuckin terrorist.

Person 2: Dude, the KKK were terrorists too. Calm down. If you terrorize people in the name of your cause your a terrorist.

Person 1: You sick fuck. The KKK are freedom fighters for the white race.

Person 2: Sure bro.
by hkhjkhkljk;lkj October 4, 2011
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When you face time the man with the girl who is cheating on him with while she’s on her knees looking like she just got fucked (which she did) you tell him with a rag covering your face saying “say goodbye to him” she says good by while you nut all over her face
Marc’s girl found out he was cheating on him so she got with somebody to do the terrorist to Marc shit was fuucked uuup
by Dick chin uppercut July 20, 2023
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