A noun a level up from "sweet." Best used in a short sentence or as a sentence by itself.
That new game is all sweetness.
by Vertigo September 3, 2002
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Generally used when someone wants to express extreme joy. Nerds often use this word after watching Star Wars, hacking into a difficult database, watching "American Beauty" with out their mom catching them or when they feel like being cool.
"Sweetness! After watching Star Wars, my life is complete... I can die now.

by Baboon's Backside May 31, 2005
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"Dude this mix cd is sweetness"
by Guess September 22, 2003
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1. to be very sweet

2. something is very sweet in taste or in awesomeness
1. That is such a sweetness person!

2. That skateboard is so sweetness!
by Nicksgirl March 31, 2010
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Verb: Describes a beautifuol woman.
What's up sweetness, you look pretty fly today.
by Darion Glanton September 22, 2003
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aka Blackberry Brandy. A cheap and effective spirit to help you endure shopping during a snowstorm, keeping toes warm on the ski slopes or just getting the party started.
Pass me that bottle of sweetness, son!
by jdp8jdp March 14, 2010
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Someone who is really sweet like from Napolean Dynomite!!
HEY! you are pretty SWEET! Want me to be your SWEETNESS!
by ME March 14, 2005
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