The opposite of a Swiss Watch/ Swiss Colon. A digestive tract that could go off at any time within a 24 hour window.
That curry turned my arse from a Swiss Watch to a Norwegian Sundial.
by Scrotal Wipeout January 9, 2020
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A watch that looks good enough to wear, but not good enough to steal.
"Man, I work in a bad neighborhood. I can't wear a gold or silver rolex!"

"What you need, my man, is a Bronze Sundial"
by Terance August 26, 2012
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Sundial (noun): the sundial is a legendary fart. It may only come around once in a life time. The sundial does not have a designated set time, however, he who passes gas shall know when a sundial has occurred. It is long, and may be powerful as well. The sundial is the longest fart you can achieve ahead of the stopwatch, timer, and calendar in that order.
Bro I went to Phoenix Buffet last night and ripped a sundial after.

Boys gather around, I think a sundial is about to come out of me.
by HaHa Clinton-Dix III December 3, 2019
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