A piece a furnature that will beat the shit out of your face
Snuggs threw the stool and he is now referred to as scarface.
by StoolHater38 December 18, 2016
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n. variant on the term "tool". typically suburban, middle-aged and professionally employed type of tool.

Visibly discernible through their clever juxtaposition of graying pony-tail (or neatly trimmed "too cool to shave today" growth) with "ironic" business wear such Brooks Brothers paired with sandals.

Sub-species found to nest in architectural firms, certain academic climates.
The architect I hired to help me renovate my kitchen arrived on a Vespa, and talked down to me the whole time. What a stool.
by BNrk July 16, 2010
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These being human feces. A term often coined by medical doctors who realise that old folk do not understand the term feces or bowel movements. A stool can be up to nine inches in length, that being the total expanded length of the human rectum. It can have a circumference of up to eight inches and can be foul stinking or without odour. So much information can be taken from a stool, blood group, age, sex, eye color and even height and weight.

A stool is much envied by coprophilics and coprogenics. The ingestion of stools is not recommended, as it can lead to fatal infection, disease and premature death.

stools are often used in sex games, in particular brown docking a sexual practise that is very popular in Japan between lesbian Japanese women.

A stool sandwich is a highly dangerous snack offered to an enemy, often with unpleasant side effects.
I wrapped my stool in cling film wrap and sealed it inside a jiffy bag. I mailed it at my local post office to Noriko my coprophilic Japanese girlfriend. She called me by telephone, days later and told me how much she had loved chewing the stool and swallowing large chunks of it. I felt nauseated at the thought, yet I felt a hopeless pride in the fact that she had chosen me as a stool donor.
by clinton sounds April 4, 2005
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Just like a security guard sitting on a stool, the act of waiting around in case shit goes down.
"Slow down, there's a cop stooling up ahead."
by D-Funk 777 January 3, 2012
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He needs a stooling after taking the Zombie Fuds job
by TheNobz December 7, 2017
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I have lots of stool.
Oh yeah, I am stooling everywhere.
I stooled in her mouth.
by mikey64_1508 July 3, 2011
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The act of pretending to sit on a stool without anything to support you.

A true stooling lies somewhere between a squat, and standing fully erect with your hands flat on top of your thighs. Trying to get as close to 90 degree angles as possible.

Sometimes done against a wall, or in front of a monument out of respect.
I was stooling last night out the front of Rob's house, here's the picture

Check out my awesome stool!

Do you want to go stooling together?
by TheDirtyDoctor May 20, 2011
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