The perfect word to describe a joint. It was originally used by a few boys in Toronto.
Yo BUD, you're thaaaaa worst, roll up another spliffy sploffy.
by GUYGUYGUY June 6, 2007
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Placing marijuana in a vegan wrap and rolling it up for enjoyment
Bob: What are you doing tyrone?

Tyrone: Rolling an elite breed spiffy spliffy.
by Theurbanesturban March 24, 2021
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Mixture containing both MDMA and cocaine in order to feel the effects of both drugs. Usually made into lines for snorting. Not to be confused with Spliffy.
"Should we do spliffies tonight?"
"Hell yeah, those are my favorite!"
by Meelzonwheelz January 7, 2019
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A marijuana cigarette that contains grabba. The term is used mostly in Jamaica and florida Not to be confused with joint which contains only weed but some jamaicans call spliffy with straight marijuana.
by KingInnaEarth February 2, 2021
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