things that go on your feet and should not be used otherwise.
my socks keep my FEET warm
by leah December 2, 2003
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When a lone man who receives little attention ejaculates in public with a sock over his penis.
Kevin was socking it during the puppet sex scene in Team America.
by JCM Crew May 31, 2006
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“im tempted to sock this bitch across the face”
“don’t test me, i’ll sock your ass”
“i really want to sock a hoe right now”
by explodedelmo August 26, 2019
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Device used to soak up any and all wet spots on the kitchen floor.
Ah dammit I stepped in another wet spot walking through the kitchen. Oh well, at least my sock dried it up.
by pfleeger2010 February 3, 2012
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Things you use for protection when you don’t have any condoms.
Man I love my Socks!
by Yoyoyoyoyoyo666 December 12, 2021
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Some Other Cunts kid
Do you think Morgan’s falcon is still running? He has to go pick up his sock from school
by 2-343 Yrtanfni March 12, 2021
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1. A garment usually worn between your foot and footwear which is meant to facilitate optimum body temperature, maximize comfort and decrease disgusting foot odor. Generally comes in pairs.

2. A disposable ejaculatory device used by lonely, socially inept young men who do not like to masturbate in the shower or ejaculate all over furniture.
1. "Man, these new socks are really helping me maintain optimal, maximize comfort and minimize disgusting foot odor. And look, I have one for each foot."

2. "John, where have all your socks gone? I could've sworn that I bought you a pack just last week."
by desperryado October 4, 2005
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