embarrassing not wanting others to know what has happened
he got his pants pulled down how skim
by Colin Thomas February 6, 2011
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the most kooo person in the all of places!
Hey skim, GET!
by rchow October 13, 2003
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the male bodily fluid aka semen
Yo, skim all over that...
by coley August 2, 2005
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Short for "skimboarding", the sport of running and jumping on a specially made board and skimming over the surface of the water (usually at the beach). The 2 types of skimming are:

- Sandskimming -
Done by skimming parallel to the beach across a thin layer of water, usually on a sandbar or other flat area. Almost all skimmers start this way, although there's lots of room for expertise with advanced sandskimming tricks.

- Wave-riding -
With wave riding you start higher on the beach, and run down the slope hopefully getting on your board before the shoal drops off. From there you ride out to a wave, carve into it and ride it in, performing your bag of tricks along the way.
"hey you guys wanna get some surf?"
"nah man, the surf sucks, i'd rather gargle cat wiz... I just wanna skim today."
by SotaSkimmer April 7, 2005
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Taking the details off a card at an ATM
usually by adding an additional card
reader onto the original slot. The details
are used to make a fake duplicate. The
pin number is obtained by watching or
filming the victim as he types it in.
I was a victim of skimming because
2 hours after taking some money out of
a cash machine in Soho, 300 pounds was
taken out of my account at another machine in Brixton - and I was nowhere near there at the time.
by English Boy December 10, 2004
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To steal a fraction of something
To take a small amount
"Frank was caught skimming a penny off each dollar he took in from the deli."
by WaKKO R. SicK September 2, 2007
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A way that Pat takes money from the cashiers till and costs the club revenue. Usually means going through a bottle every thirty minutes, taking one out of every 8 drafts, and one out of every thirty shots. Roughly costs about $150 a night. Also known as a great way to consider it severance pay and to take the train.
Why did you fire the bartender pat? He was skimming.
by captain poopypants November 13, 2004
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