Sherm has absolutely nothing to do with PCP.

Sherm is a joint or simply a cigarette that has been dipped in embalming fluid (aka. formaldehyde) and left to dry. It must not be lit using an open flame lighter, but rather an automobile cigarette lighter is perfect to avoid an unwanted flame-up in one's face.

Use of sherm causes brain damage, and with prolonged use this permanent brain damage becomes increasingly serious, and the user then gets referred to as a shermhead.
Man, if you keep hittin' that sherm, you gonna melt your brains!
by Rightwild April 13, 2008
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someone who never leaves there house except to smoke weed and then imminently return there to sherm out.
Marcus doolan is a sherm
by mcfez December 16, 2013
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someone who is embarrassing and is a complete fool who no one likes.
Look at Jim the ugly twat dancing to the YMCA, what a sherm!
by Jimmy Jonnelbean August 29, 2007
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angel dust (mint leaf soaked in fermaldahide), pcp
yo son that nigga buggin off tha sherm
by BostonHenny May 3, 2005
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v. 1. to fuck up a night, party, game of root, etc.
2. to accidentally exahale or cough while smoking marijuanaand (in the process) ruin the bowl pack.
n. small angry man with napoleonic disorder and prone to sherming (see above) pretty much anything and especially bowls.
Fucking Sherm you fucking shermed the bowl.
by Nai Ritos January 8, 2006
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