one who gets high off of the fumes of another person's blunt.
person #1: hey, do you smoke?
person #2: nope, i never have.
person #1: but i saw you high the other night!
person #2: yeah, i'm a second hand stoner.
by Alalalalalex August 5, 2007
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A bus wanker that is cheap and never buys his own stuff and waits to get it second hand.
Man he got that iPhone for free he must be a Second hand Bjarni
by A second hand Bjarni July 13, 2018
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I felt such second-hand embarassment when I saw John asking the most popular girl in school out that I had to look away.
by Melodious10 February 17, 2009
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When you cringe while watching people embarrassing/publicly humiliating themselves, especially when they DON'T deserve it. People who suffer from this are generally empaths, or they may suffer from severe social anxiety.
"I tried to tell my friends that Dave couldn't dance, but they forced him to anyway. I got second-hand embarrassment in the worst way while watching him. By the time I pulled him out, his face was the deepest shade of red imaginable, and it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that he was trying not to cry from embarrassment. We haven't been on speaking terms with those "friends" since that incident."

Moral of the story: Don't force people to do things they're not comfortable with, especially under protest. It may be funny to you, but you've gotta think of other people.
by Someone who kinda exists August 13, 2021
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What you get from pets when they lick their assholes and then lick you.
Guy #1: "Man, your cat is really affectionate!"
Guy #2: "I hate to say this, man, but Felix just gave you second-hand asshole!"
Guy #1: *kicks cat across the room*
by KoalaMan March 10, 2009
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A co-worker who doesn't smoke but goes outside with the real smokers to talk.
"I don't need a light, I'm just a second hand smoker."
by Dan Lacy April 26, 2007
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what i feel when i watch the weird oversexualized daddy povs on tiktok
noah becks tiktoks give me second hand embarrassment
by frogtoaster July 17, 2020
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