Out of sorts. Not with it. Feeling crazy. Not able to get your thoughts together.
"I don't know what's wrong, I can't focus, I'm all scrambled"
by where am i? February 2, 2007
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Verb. To climb using arms or legs or to move hastily.
He scrambled to his feet. He scrambled over the rocks.
by xarahak October 17, 2010
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To mess up someone's gaydar

To give off mixed signals as to whether one is gay or straignt
"Man, don't scramble my gaydar! I can't figure out if you're coming on to me or if you're just interested in my girlfriend."
by Free_JR November 28, 2009
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If a person drops money by accident and someone else shouts SCRAMBLE! then the money can be picked up by the first person who gets it, thus making it that person money.
Michael dropped his change while attempting to take it out of his wallet, when they hit the floor Kyle shouted scramble! and picked up some of his money.
by Acedbro May 10, 2018
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When one or more people sneak up on an unsuspecting person and shake his or her belly fat repeatedly with both hands so that it looks much like a scrambling egg.
"Hey! There's a fat guy! Let's go scramble him!"

"You just got scrambled!"
by DesperateHokie May 1, 2012
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when a guy cant get it out (cant ejaculate)after beating the meat too much ect. smacking the squirrel
man i had a bad case of the scrambles last night i was alone all day
by zack and kyle May 8, 2010
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