Person who can get out of a ticket at least 75% of the time.
Man, Brett Wiggins isn't a schmooze, he couldn't train to become a schmooze if his life depended on it.
by RoJoSoSlow December 8, 2003
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to schmooz: the act of mingleing, socializing, or kissing ass in or at an event that you may feel less than comfortable.
its been a long night running around here schmoozing with all these strangers.
by russ ven vleer June 16, 2009
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The pointless evening pursuit of kissing important butts to better ones employment prospects.

Networking, not for the purpose of work, but for the purpose of being seen by people you think are more important than yourself (but who are in fact schmoozing themselves through fear of being dropped by some important clique).
"Instead of having an orgy and enjoying it, you must come to the boring project dinner and do some schmoozing with Mr X and Mr Y as it's important they know who you are"
by Dr R Swank January 27, 2009
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Wasting time at work to do useless things, such as socializing.
“I would consider myself a schmoozer.”
How about some schmoozing?”
by DopazReal November 30, 2022
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The art of picking up talent over the internet and talking your way into their bed
I was schmoozing this bird last nite and she invited me round to dangle out her ass
by sellyourstuffonebaydotcodotuk February 11, 2010
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One (often of the male gender type) who insists on incessant flirting. Usually consisting of talking about "embarrassing" situations that really are a round about way of bragging. The game never stops, and they're always at it.
"The Schmooze wouldn't stop hitting on me and telling me about how terrible it was that so many girls like him."- the girl
by vitctim of a schmooze December 31, 2009
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A thing inside a person that makes them different/cool.... the schmooze is very hard to define.... if you had the schmooze you would understand.

see "swagga"
Person 1: Look Sparky, kaci doesn't have the schmooze!
Sparky: Yes, i know. I must hit her very hard with my wand so i can disapperate her to the island of the misfit homosapiens, the land of the schmoozeless.
A Person: Good job.
by SPARKY, all powerfull ONE March 3, 2009
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