annoying old people who think the world owes them so they do increadably annoying things like smoke two packs a day in the apt. next door without opening a window because they can't remember how to open a window or are cold when it's 90 degree's outside or just plain ole don't give a shit if scummy ass tobacco smoke grosses you out and makes your nose hurt
that brain dead old fart smells like schlock when's he gonna burn down the complex soon I hope so i can get out of this lease and move far away from it's schlock
by Robinrobby August 16, 2007
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a hybrid sock b with a rubber bottom similar to a slipper
"I went to the hospital and they took my shoes! I had to wear schlocks
by sickness of deep thinking October 16, 2016
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To overcharged a customer.
Did you schlock that szboon? He needed to be schlocked.
by Brad Lindon April 18, 2005
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(shlok) schlocked, schlock*y, schlock*ish

Origin: 1910-15 Yiddish word 'shlak'

1. Something that lacks integrity or truth. A lie.
2. An object that holds little or no value.
1. Daniel: "Thanks man...I'll pay you back as soon as I can!"
David: "What a load of schlock!"
2. Daniel: "What do you think about Britney Spears' new album?"
David: "Its a worthless piece of scholck, that's what I think!"
by Mr.3d PHD March 7, 2008
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To eat or drink something extremely fast.
Emmanuel just schlocked the entire buford. Talan just shclocked a four-loko in one shot.
by Bubba House September 3, 2019
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A schlock is a person who is a chad in the streets, and a simp in the sheets
Yo, these schlocks radiate an incalculable amount of BDE
by khatru71 March 31, 2020
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A mobile peice of crap, armed with 2 plasma cannons. Lovable and violent. Hangs out with Tagon's Toughs.
Tagon: Your ideas tend to result in unnecessary violence, Sergeant Schlock.
Schlock: And your point is...
Tagon: Let's broaden the definition of "necessary".
by Forderz June 3, 2008
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