(v.) past tense of sauce: means to be owned.
1: He sauced 3 of our guys with his left and owned our keeper with an upper 90! It was terrible..
by Ma-Rak November 14, 2007
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see salted.
to be embarrassed;to be held back from something you really wanted to do.
tom- hey shira, you wanna go out with me?
shira-hell no
mike- oo sauced.
by chelly girl January 21, 2007
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To be angry or mad about something or someone. Used to say that you or someone else is mad but in a way that doesn't indicate how upset you actually are.Used by young , shy, introverts
Yeah my girlfriend hasn't responded to me and its been 5 hours, its making me sauced

Hey, can you stop being so loud, it's making me sauced
by randomHSstudent February 24, 2018
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Dude if you say sauced one more time your gonna get your face sauced.
by josh December 15, 2004
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1. Sauced means to be shook or juked during a sports event.

2. When someone confuses you, that means you have been sauced.
1. Did you see Randy Moss sauce that man yesterday? He got the shit sauced out of em'!

2. Conversation b/t Tom & Bob
Tom - Did your mom find out about the weed?
Bob - What weed? I've never smoked!
Tom - Sauced
Bob - I knew you were kidding...
by J-Rock April 16, 2005
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