Too masterbate, wank, jack off.

Started from a lonely boy who was revising history, and had a sudden turn on and "Revised".

Example 1

Did you revise last night?

Yeh, and it felt good!

Example 2

Did you do some revision before the exams?

Yeh, obviously!

by smuggins September 11, 2007
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going to malta on holiday to work on your "revision".. ie, tan in the sunshine
A: did you do any revision this holiday at all?

B: yeah totally, check out my tan lines!
by catbabyyyy April 26, 2011
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Sitting and reading the crap you've been learning all year and taking none of it in, so you can do just as bad on whatever exam you're revising for as you would have done without it.
Mum: How did you get this U? I thought you did revision?

Tom: But I did mum! I did..
by Steds April 14, 2009
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A code word to use for masturbating, more generally acceptable to use in public
I do a lot more revision the closer it gets to tests... it helps the stress
by RiHi August 23, 2014
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going to a desk with the intention to prepare yourself for an exam and gain a qualification, however finding yourself 10 minutes later either master bating or watching videos on your feed
hey I can't come out tonight I'm revising
by p00nslayer1 February 19, 2016
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Homework that accualy counts towards something.
Dude! i did some revision and i upped my grades from E's to B's

Good for you! i have to do a report that dosent get graded for anything...
by sergio juan sheet rodriguez November 13, 2010
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