ducks. tuesdays. lawnmower garden gnome plus seven! rainbow cookies fanbelt satan! CANCER!!!!

randomness at its best.
billy: oh hello there sue

sue: hello billy


sue:....*walks away slowly*

-all in all, randomness is the best... muffins.
by tap3w0rm April 11, 2006
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a word used to define many things that are random
bob: hey look at all these things

mary: wow...randomness.
by *gem* May 15, 2005
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The action of saying or writing whatever comes to mind at any given time to confuse the other person,to get there attention or just to piss them off. When somebody is randomizing they will finish up by saying exactly or I know.
John: So how is the family?

Carl: You know it could happen

John: What?

Carl: Exactly

John: What are you talking about?

Carl: I know

Carl was randomizing John to piss him off and confuse him.
by Richard Castle III June 20, 2011
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The most annoying word ever. You'll say something that relates to your previous topic, yet they say it's random because they can't comprehen it.
"Cake is good. I just got one from the bakery, and it was chocolate."

"That was random, LMFAO."

"No, you asshole, we're still talking about cake."
by Juicalicious April 25, 2010
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groups of people who show up at parties or gatherings usually intended only for memebers of certain other groups or institutions (IE University Keggers)
"hey man, where'd all those randoms come from?"

"there were a ton of randoms at Dave's place last night..."
by TheSanityAssassin November 3, 2004
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The latest buzzword used amongst mindless teenagers as a way of showing just so utterly irreverent their predictable sense of humour is. Particularly dominant among English teens and University students, the word "random" or the act of being "random" is a desperate plea for others to recognise how totally against the grain of the norm you are and that you're really crazy and out there. Trouble is, being "random" is predictable, boring, moronic and extremely sad indeed.

Often used by an MTVeenager.
Uni Student: "Cheese! HA HA!"
Another Uni Student: "Wow that's soooo RANDOM! Let's go and buy some trendy clothes which have meaningless and pretentious words/numbers all over to make us look random."
by Pip January 30, 2005
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The most over used and misunderstood word in the english language. Commonly used by english teens, often buying into the fast growing subculture of emo. 1)Supposedly meaning spontaneous and off the wall by ignorant people. 2) how a large proportion of the myspace community describe themselves. 3) A way for morons to pretend they are capable of original though when actually every aspect of their lives is planned out meticulously with out fail.
Person A: and we said " mouse pad cups"
Person B: How totally random of you
Person C: quiet you mundane little twat, stop abusing that word. you have no concept of random that words to big for you. your misuse offends me. I ought to brick you
by Cryptkeeper 5 July 26, 2006
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